API integration is the connection between two or more applications via their APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow systems to exchange data sources. API integrations power processes throughout many sectors and layers of an organisation to keep data in sync, enhance productivity and drive revenue.

API Integration FAQ

What exactly is an API?

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API.

What is API integration in CRM?

Image result for api integration

API stands for application programming interface. In short, the API is a set of programming protocols and tools that specify how your CRM can interact with other software programs.

Is API same as integration?

Meaning of API vs. Integration. While integration and APIs are two sides of the same coin, APIs are about more than just integration. … Integration is just about facilitating interaction between two machines or systems over a network, whereas API acts as an interface between two applications.

What are the types of API?

Multiple web APIs can be combined into a composite API – a collection of data or service APIs.

  • Open APIs. Open APIs, also known as external or public APIs, are available to developers and other users with minimal restrictions.
  • Internal APIs
  • Partner APIs
  • Composite APIs
  • REST
  • SOAP

What is REST API vs API?

REST basically is a style of web architecture that governs the behavior of clients and servers. While API is a more general set of protocols and is deployed over the software to help it interact with some other software. REST is only geared towards web applications. And mostly deals with HTTP requests and responses.